
Dear referring physicians: Please feel free to use our referral form below to involve us in the care of your patients, or send us a quick note regarding the reason for referral along with any relevant investigations. Our form can also be found in PSS, Oscar, and Accuro community folders for your convenience. 

Please note: We do not perform fluoroscopic-guided spinal intervention procedures.

For this, we strongly recommend our trusted community partner Bloor Pain Specialists.

Bloor Pain Speciality

The below is a PDF previewer and you will not be able to save any fields completed. Please download the PDF version, use our Ocean e-referral platform, or follow the methods outlined above.

The Ability Clinic

755 Queensway East, Suite 304 Mississauga, ON, L4Y 4C5

Referral Form

Thank you for choosing The Ability Clinic. Please fill out this form to ensure that your patient receives the appropriate care. All information is Private and Confidential

Patient Information

    Patient Information

    Referring Provider


    As Appropriate


    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


    Lifestyle/Preventative Medicine

    Recovery & Wellness (summer 2024)

    Personal Health Information that is medically relevant has not been disclosed at the
    request of the patient.

    Please return by Fax:(905) 826-7201 or





    Fee Schedule